Imbi's World of Christmas ... morning fog


Step by step

heavy burden

coming from nowhere

ages turn into ages

prohphecy fullfilled

what leads the way?

Which longing?

Which need?

Don't we have
morning fog
heading our way?

The cold

the damp air climbing in

the day

the skin

already broken

from journeys

through the dessert

Reaching out

Nowhere to go

but to follow hope and dreams

step by step

hands reaching out

touching the borders

of our life

want to cross borders?

let the fog stream in

and grow?

Being as unlimited

as the surrounding fog

in eternal sky.

Step by step


to the earth's voice

as miracles pass

and life goes by

Step by step by...

as long

as it takes

to see with our heart

as long
till we see...

© imbi 2002